Left-wing pop icon Cher has warned that “evil” President Donald Trump makes liberal journalists such as Chuck Todd “kowtow” to him by creating an atmosphere of fear within the mainstream media.

Cher made the comments in response to an interview in which NBC’s Meet The Press host Chuck Todd in Rolling Stone magazine that he had been “just so absurdly naive” about how Republican lawmakers were supposedly willing to lie for Trump.

Todd explained:

[His] entire life has been spent using misinformation. His entire life. I’ve spent years studying him now on trying to figure out how did this guy even learn politics? Where did he learn? And the more you learn, you realize he learned at the feet of a master of deception in Roy Cohn.

So I mean, look, if people want to read my answer to your question, ‘Boy, that Chuck Todd was hopelessly naive.’ Yeah, it looks pretty naive. I think we all made the mistake of not following Toni Morrison’s advice, which is when people tell you who they are, believe them.

The NBC host went to claim that he was “genuinely shocked” by some of the allegations made by lawmakers like Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX), and admitted that Republicans “attempted to use our platform to essentially disseminate” lies.

Todd sparked a wave of criticism among some left-wing commentators for having given Republicans and conservatives a platform at all. But Cher’s theory: Chuck Todd had been forced to “kowtow” to the president.

Writing in her typically incoherent and bizarre style, the 72-year Grammy-winner wrote something to the effect of: “Chuck Todd is not the only TV host whose show is a study in monkey journalism. Trump is and always has been a liar, a criminal and beyond redemption.”

“Trump has created an atmosphere of ‘good night and good luck’ and joker,” she added. “Evil men make people fearful and kowtow to them. He’s their master.”

The singer, whose real name is Cherilyn Sarkisian, regularly uses her Twitter to make absurd claims and accusations about Trump and Republicans. Although there are too many examples to recount, Cher’s most outrageous claim this year came in June when she declared Trump planned to send LGBT people to concentration camps if he won re-election. In reality, the Trump administration has a policy of pushing for the full decriminalization of homosexual activity around the world.

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