CBS Late Show host Stephen Colbert said the impeachment of President Donald Trump should happen because, among other things, three years in office is “really [long] enough.”

Colbert began his monologue by noting that 11 million people tuned in to watch the live impeachment proceedings as the process moved into the Senate for trial, for what he believes may be “the greatest abuse of power ever by a U.S. president.” He also took a pop at Senators for seemingly lacking the conviction of their beliefs.

“Day one of the impeachment trial drew 11 million viewers. That’s a lot of people,” Colbert said. “That’s not Super Bowl ratings, but it’s at least Puppy Bowl ratings. But that’s not fair to compare puppies to US Senators – the puppies still have their balls.”

The left-wing funnyman then explained that Democratic House managers were trying to keep the case against Trump straightforward. Congressman Jerry Nadler listed what he called “The ABCs of high crimes and misdemeanors,” those being the abuse of power, betrayal of the nation, and corruption of elections, although Colbert provided some reasons of his own.

“ABCs oh that’s good. Let me try the impeachment one, two, three’s,” Colbert continued. “Trump never won (one) the popular vote; he’s too (two) corrupt to have the job, and three years is really enough.”

A Gallup poll released earlier this week found that a majority (51 percent) of Americans oppose Trump’s impeachment proceedings and do not want to see him removed from office.

Meanwhile, Trump has repeatedly denounced the process as a “hoax” and a “witch hunt” led by his Democratic Party opponents. “It’s horrible for our country,” he told reporters earlier this week. “Our country has to get back to business.

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