Actor Harrison Ford used a publicity appearance in Mexico City, tied to a new Disney movie, to praise Greta Thunberg and trash the United States, saying that America has lost its “moral leadership” in the world.

Ford was in Mexico City this week to promote his latest movie, The Call of the Wild, based on the classic novel by Jack London. While speaking with reporters, the actor addressed environmental issues while also slamming American leadership under President Donald Trump.

“Our position in the world is tenuous because of our lack of moral leadership, basically,” he told reporters.

Ford went on to talk about young environmental activists, including Thunberg, the 17-year-old climate activist from Sweden who has become a darling among the elite in Hollywood.

“I certainly applaud Greta… her activism, her role in representing the interests of young people, and I admire her courage, her fortitude, and also admire her capacity to express herself,” he said.

“Science is being ridiculed by people in ideological campgrounds. They are refusing the wisdom, the discipline of science, in favor of a political point of view. And that has to stop. And I believe young people throughout the world know that it has to stop and are capable and willing to make the sacrifices to make that happen. ”

He added: “I applaud Greta’s part in the leadership of young people and I consider the threat to the natural world as the single biggest threat to humanity.”

In September, the Raiders of the Lost Ark star appeared at the United Nations Climate Action Summit in New York where he gave an impassioned speech that focused primarily on the fires that were consuming large sections of the Amazon rainforest.

During the speech, Harrison Ford praised young climate activists, saying that their generation has been failed when it comes to the environment.

“They are a moral army and the most important thing we can do for them is too get the hell out of their way,” he said.

Ford was in Mexico City to promote The Call of the Wild, which is being released by 20th Century, now a division of The Walt Disney Co.

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