Actress and climate activist Jane Fonda has endorsed Bernie Sanders for president, calling him the “climate candidate” prior to leading her latest environmental protest in Southern California.

During her demonstration, the actress decried oil and gas companies while blaming “a small bunch of white men getting really rich” for causing pollution and health problems for those who live near drilling sites.

Jane Fonda led a demonstration Friday in San Pedro and the suburb of Wilmington to protest the fossil fuel industry, demanding that companies put a stop to new drilling activity. The Hollywood star spoke to USA Today before the rally, saying that Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) is the only presidential candidate who is running to protect the environment.

“We have to get a climate president in office, and there’s only one right now, and that’s Bernie Sanders,” she told the newspaper. “So, I’m indirectly saying I believe you have to support the climate candidate.”

Fonda joins a growing list of celebrities backing Sanders’ campaign. The socialist candidate has already garnered support from stars including Cardi B, Lizzo, Susan Sarandon, Mark Ruffalo, and Kirsten Dunst.

“There’s a small bunch of white men getting really rich while they’re destroying the health of the people like the people you heard from. And this is just the tip of the iceberg. And guess what: it’s happening all across the country and all across the world,” she said.

“We have to say no more fossil fuels. Windmills are great, and solar panels are great, and Priuses are great. And we have to do all of that. But it’s not going to matter if we don’t stop the drilling and the fracking and the exporting and the refining of fossil fuels.”

At another stop during Friday’s protest, Fonda explained in a video posted to social media that she wants to draw media attention to drilling activity taking place around residential neighborhoods.

“People’s lives are being destroyed because of the proximity of the fossil fuel industry here in Wilmington. We want to call attention to that,” Fonda said.

Fonda spoke to USA Today about being arrested five times while holding her weekly protests in Washington D.C.. She revealed that her lawyer cut a deal under which she won’t have to complete community service hours or return for a D.C. court date, provided doesn’t get arrested for three months in L.A.

The actress told the newspaper that once those three months are over,  she plans on getting arrested again.

“We’re protesting an existential threat that could determine the future of human life on the planet, basically,” she told USA Today.

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