Actress Bette Midler has floated a conspiracy theory suggesting that President Donald Trump is lying about his health following this weekend’s White House announcement that the commander in chief tested negative for coronavirus and remains symptom free.

On Sunday, the actress tweeted out her incredulity about President Trump’s health, expressing disbelief that he hasn’t contracted the coronavirus.

“You know, #Donald says he has tested negative for #Coronavirus. But why should we believe him? He has lied over 16,000 times in the last three years! Why would he not be lying now?” Midler wrote.

White House physician Sean P. Conley said late Saturday that the president has tested negative for COVID-19.  The president was tested following reports that  a member of the Brazilian president’s delegation that was recently visiting Mar-a-Lago later tested positive for the virus.

“Last night after an in-depth discussion with the President regarding COVID-19 testing, he elected to proceed,” Dr. Conley said in a release. “This evening I received confirmation that the test is negative.”

He added: “One week after having dinner with the Brazilian delegation in Mar-a-Lago, the President remains symptom-free. I have been in daily contact with the CDC [Centers for Disease Control and Prevention] and White House Coronavirus Task Force, and we are encouraging the implementation of all their best practices for exposure reduction and transmission mitigation.”

Bette Midler has repeatedly criticized President Trump for his response to the coronavirus and has even spread fake news about the president to her 1.8 million Twitter followers.

Last week, the actress repeated the false claim that President Trump called the coronavirus a “hoax.” The president used the term “hoax” at a recent campaign rally to describe the Democratic party’s effort to turn the virus into a political issue to hurt his administration.

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