Model and fashion mogul Kylie Jenner is heeding the words of Surgeon General Jerome Adams and is using her massive social platforms to put more pressure on millennials to practice social distancing and self quarantining to fight the spread of coronavirus.

While Jenner has previously used Instagram and Twitter to remind her fans to heed the government’s warnings, her latest message is her most impassioned plea yet to young people.

“Hey guys, happy self quarantine!” Jenner said in an Instagram stories video on Thursday. “I know I’ve already been doing my daily reminders about how important it is right now to practice social distancing and self quarantine. I’m going on my ninth day. The coronavirus is a real thing. I listened to the Surgeon General this morning and even though I’ve already been doing my daily reminders, he definitely encouraged me to come on here and talk to you guys so you can see me and hear me.”

Earlier this week, Adams called on social media influencers like Jenner to get the word out to young people.

Adams message comes after multiple TV reports showed throngs of young people partying in Florida in defiance of government recommendations to avoid crowds exceeding 10 people.

“If I get corona, I get corona,” spring breaker Brady Sluder told reporters. “At the end of the day, I’m not gonna let it stop me from partying. You know, I’ve been waiting, we’ve been waiting for Miami spring break for a while, about two months we’ve had this trip planned.”

“Practice social distancing, self quarantine.” Jenner said. She also told her followers to consider the health of elderly family members.

“If you live with your parents, you don’t want to go home and get your parents sick,” she said. “You might have it and not even know and be infecting other people. It’s serious, and the only way that we’re going to slow this down is if we do this because there is not a cure right now.”

Jenner added: “Nobody is immune to this. Millennials are not immune to this. New evidence actually shows that a large percentage in the hospital right now are young adults.”

Jenner said that she is used to staying at home because of the paparazzi. She said she typically spends her time at home watching movies, reading, doing puzzles, and taking long baths.

“I love you guys. We’re going to get through this together. We just have to listen to each other, respect each other, self quarantine,” Jenner said.

Jenner’s urgent plea stands in contrast to the careless attitudes recently expressed by celebrities Evangeline Lilly and Vanessa Hudgens. Lilly said on Instagram that she had no intention of practicing social distancing because she values her freedom. Hudgens made light of President Trump’s statement that the crisis could extend into the summer, saying that it “sounds like a bunch of bulls–t. I’m sorry. But like, it’s a virus.”

Hudgens later apologized, saying her comments were “insensitive.”

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