Documentary filmmaker and left-wing activist Michael Moore is predicting a doomsday environmental scenario for the planet that will dwarf the coronavirus pandemic. Who’s to blame? Humans, of course.

In Tuesday’s episode of his podcast, the Oscar-winning documentary filmmaker framed the coronavirus as Mother Earth’s revenge against mankind. “Take this moment, take this virus, as earth’s slap in our collective face,” he said, adding that the Chinese coronavirus is nature “trying to tell our species to back off, slow down, and change your ways.”

Michael Moore warned that Earth has the power to wipe out mankind in a way that will surpass the current global crisis.

“You do understand that this planet can remove all of us with the snap of its fingers,” Moore said. “If you think COVID-19 has been a bummer, trust me, you literally can’t imagine just how awful Earth’s revenge will be against us for trying to choke it to fucking death.”

Moore added that humans lie at the root of the problem.

“We are in a serious multi-level planetary emergency and that emergency involves climate. water, food, top soil, over consumption, species that have gone missing, our ocean life — what’s left of it — and humans. Mostly humans. And our human, non-sensical, greed-induced behavior and systems,” he said.

Moore said that the environmental movement has failed to produce meaningful results.

“We are very grateful to our environmental leaders for years of brilliant research,” he said. “Except, it hasn’t worked. We are worse off since the first Earth Day 50 years ago. Not better off, worse off. I don’t even need to tell you that. You already know.”

“We can no longer solar panel and windmill our way out of this disaster,” he added.

Moore’s disenchantment with the environmental movement arose last month while promoting the new documentary Planet of the Humans, which highlights the failures of the mainstream environmentalists while also assigning blame to corporate interests as well as solar and wind energy companies and electric car manufacturers.

“All the things we set out to do… you and I both know we have not done that,” Moore said.

The filmmaker noted that 90 percent of large fish in the wild, like halibut, are now gone. “We ate them,” he said.

He added many mammals in the wild have also disappeared. “We eat them too.”

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