Will U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents get a fair shake in the upcoming docuseries Immigration Nation? With the left-wing Netflix backing the project, you may already know the answer.

Netflix has released the first trailer for Immigration Nation, which is set to debut August 3 on the streamer. The trailer is replete with scenes of crying children being torn from the arms of their parents. Not shown are MS-13 gang members, drug dealers, and the numerous violent illegal aliens who are arrested each year for crimes including murder and rape.

Watch below:

The trailer shows footage of ICE agents behaving in cruel and uncaring ways, all set to an ominous musical score. One scene shows ICE agents declining to show a warrant while visiting a residence. Another shows an ICE agent receiving orders to pick up “at least two” people.

“As harsh as it may sound, the government didn’t hire me for my moral views ” another agent says on camera.

The trailer concludes with a soundtrack swell as activists take to the streets chanting “Abolish ICE.”

Immigration Nation is directed by Israeli filmmaker Shaul Schwarz and Christina Clusiau. The series, which consists of six episodes, features “moving portraits of immigrants” and provides viewers with a “deep look at U.S. immigration today,” according to an official synopsis.

Netflix has developed close ties to former President Barack Obama and Michelle Obama through a production deal under which the former first couple has created documentaries including the Oscar-winning American Factory and Becoming.

Obama national security advisor Susan Rice sits on Netflix’s board of directors. The streamer’s co-CEO’s, Reed Hastings and Ted Sarandos, are major Democratic donors who supported the campaigns of Obama and Hillary Clinton.

Here is Netflix’s full synopsis of Immigration Nation.

The series will examine the processes, pitfalls, and pain of immigration in America. Shot over the course of three years, Schwarz and Clusiau capture the daily workings of Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents, activists, lawmakers, attorneys, and a wide swath of undocumented immigrants, from desperate recent arrivals to longtime residents to deported U.S. military combat veterans.

With an unrelenting flow of migrant workers continuing across the U.S. border, the pressure on ICE to enforce the administration’s zero-tolerance policies puts immigrants in the crosshairs. But how do we fix a system that seems beyond repair? How do we apply common sense to something that’s evolved from one of humanitarian concern to an us-versus-them political flashpoint? Has the story of America — the one that inspired our own immigrant relatives to risk death for a better life — been rewritten so broadly that the “land of the free” is a luxury afforded now only to a few?


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