Actress Patricia Heaton tweeted Sunday a warning to fellow Christians to “be prepared” for a social media “onslaught” by people who are ignorant of faith but whose arrogance will be on display as the election battle heats up further with the debate over the Supreme Court vacancy.

“Friends, be prepared for social media to be filled with an onslaught of arrogant pronouncements based on breathtaking ignorance of religion in general, Christianity specifically and Catholicism in particularly by people who wouldn’t recognize God if He bit them on the bum,” the pro-life and Catholic Everybody Loves Raymond star tweeted.

On Sunday, for example, left-wing activist and filmmaker Michael Moore already referred to a potential Trump nominee, to fill the Supreme Court vacancy following the death of Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg, as a “crackpot.”

Moore tweeted his call for “protests everywhere,” including “a tsunami presence by us on social media today and this week.”

“[L]et the government shut down so that the Republicans can’t ram their right-wing judge through before Trump is defeated 6wks from this Tuesday,” he posted, urging his followers to “block, stall and grind all Senate business to a halt so this crackpot nominee doesn’t go through — you know, just like what the Republicans did to Obama for 8 long years. Extreme obstruction.”

“Let’s let them now experience a taste of their own filthy medicine,” Moore added.

Heaton, a star of the long-running sitcom The Middle, has recently returned to television with a new CBS series, Carol’s Second Act, which focuses on a divorced mother of two grown children who decides to move on to a second career as a doctor.

The actress is also the author of a new book titled Your Second Act, that intends to inspire readers who are considering reinventing themselves for a new career or interest in life’s “second act.”