Left-wing Hollywood celebrities are engaging in collective schadenfreude following White House adviser Stephen Miller’s positive COVID-19 diagnosis, calling him a “Nazi” and a “dead eyed soulless creature.”

Stephen Miller confirmed Tuesday that he tested positive for the Chinese coronavirus.  “Over the last 5 days I have been working remotely and self-isolating, testing negative every day through yesterday. Today, I tested positive for COVID-19 and am in quarantine,” Miller said in a statement.

The announcement prompted a deluge of mockery and derision from Hollywood elites, who used the occasion to attack Miller’s work in the White House and to hurl personal insults.

The West Wing star Bradley Whitford attacked Miller for his work on the president’s immigration policies, falsely claiming that Miller put kids in “cages” — which are really chain-linked enclosures. As Breitbart News previously reported,  the policy of separating kids from adults at the border was created by the Obama-Biden administration.

Scrubs star Zach Braff called Miller a “Nazi,” omitting the fact that Miller is Jewish.

Grammy-winning singer Diane Warren tweeted, “this is the first time in history a deadly virus has infected a worse deadly virus.”

Bette Midler and Frozen star Josh Gad suggested that Miller is a vampire.

Actor Michael Kelly called Miller a “dead-eyed soulless creature.”

Full-time Trump nemesis  Rosie O’Donnell tweeted “creeps every one of them” following Miller’s diagnosis.

Actor Ron Perlman said that he wished COVID-19 on Donald Trump, Kellyanne Conway, Chris Christie, and Stephen Miller.

Actor Michael Ian Black joked that Miller couldn’t have tested positive because “nobody is close to him.” Actor Ben Stiller applauded the joke.

Comedy Central’s The Daily Show mocked the White House staff as “a caravan of disease-ridden criminals.”

Actor Vincent D’Onofrio tweeted that “the White House is really testing America’s empathy.”

Star Trek actor George Takei tweeted that “we have to keep Kamala Harris safe from Mike ‘Disease Gang’ Pence.”

Comedian and Democrat booster Billy Eichner tweeted a photo of himself in horror-movie make-up: “I am with Stephen Miller at the White House! I think I might be immune!”

Jimmy Kimmel Live! writer Bess Kalb tweeted, “My thoughts and prayers to Stephen Miller and all his friends, family, and larvae.”

Fuller House producer Bryan Behar tweeted, “I don’t care where Stephen Miller quarantines. As long as he’s separated from his family and in a cage.”

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