Hollywood actress and host of NBC’s Weakest Link Jane Lynch attacked Sen. Lindsey Graham (R-TK) during Tuesday’s confirmation hearing for Supreme Court nominee Amy Coney Barrett, calling the senator a “whining little ass boy.”

Lynch’s smear was in reaction to Sen. Graham’s brief, off-topic comment about fundraising in his electoral battle with candidate Jaime Harrison (D). “I can tell you there is a lot of money being raised in this campaign. I’d like to know where the hell some of it’s coming from,” Graham said.

His aside prompted Jane Lynch to accuse the senator of self pity and narcissism.

The Glee star failed to tweet about the substance of what the senator said during Tuesday’s hearings.

“What I want the American people to know is that it’s OK to be religiously conservative,” said Sen. Graham, who serves as chair of the senate judiciary committee. ” I think it’s OK to be personally pro-choice. I think it’s OK to live your life in a traditional, Catholic fashion. And you’d still be qualified for the Supreme Court.”

He added: “All of the young, conservative women out there, this hearing to me is about a place for you. I hope when this is all over there will be a place for you at the table. There will be a spot for you at the Supreme Court like there was for Judge Ginsburg.”

Sen. Graham is a popular target among elite Hollywood leftists who have poured money into his opponent’s campaign.

Jane Lynch has repeatedly tweeted her support for Jaime Harrison’s attempt to unseat Sen. Graham, saying that Harrison “will bring back honor and dignity to a badly damaged congress.”

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