Duck Dynasty star Phil Robertson is disgusted with the coronavirus relief and spending bill that Congress passed late Monday, saying that the pork-filled legislation confirms Congress’ ineptitude and its “ungodly” ways.

In an Instagram post Monday, Phil Robertson ripped the politicians who pushed for lockdowns and voted for the stimulus bill.

“Politicians put people out of work, killed small businesses, and said it was to protect us. And now Congress wants to send Americans $600 for their troubles?” he wrote. “Seems like it’s the heavy boot of big government we need protection from. We’ve had just about enough of passing the bill to find out what’s in it.”

Robertson was referencing House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s (D-CA) infamous comment about Obamacare: “We have to pass the bill so that you can find out what is in it.”

Robertson, who is a devout Christian, added that the country would do better to follow the teachings of Jesus.

“One kingdom-minded redneck can help a down-and-out redneck better than the government ever could,” he said.
“If we turn that responsibility over to the government and let ungodly legislators determine how to help us and how to spend our money, there’s no doubt our money will be used for ungodly ends.

He added: “It’s time to fight for the right to decide how to use our money to care for the poor, minister to the needy, and advance the message of Jesus. That’s exactly what Jesus asks of us.”

Robertson also plugged his recent book, Jesus Politics: How to Win Back the Soul of America, which was released in August. The book lays out the ways Christianity can heal a divided citizenry and protect the country from the deleterious effects of identity politics and creeping socialism.

The Duck Dynasty star was a guest on  SiriusXM’s Breitbart News Daily with host Alex Marlow in August, when he spoke about the left’s affinity for Communism and hatred of Christianity.

“They’ve exchanged Jesus Christ for Karl Marx. Karl Marx is is as the one they’re going with. You would think human beings would learn better,” he said.

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