A 16-year-old named Maayan Segal in Tel Aviv, Israel, has created a second version of her gender-equal playing cards, called Queeng, to be more diverse.

“In the first version of Queeng, which was released three years ago and sold over 50,000 decks, king and queen cards became equal. Two of the standard four jacks became princesses, and Segal designed a female joker,” CNN reported Monday.

However, she got feedback from people who complained the cards were not “actually totally equal,” according to her IndieGoGo page:

I realized that a diversified representation of ethnicities wasn’t there, like it doesn’t exist. This doesn’t actually represent the people of the world as we really are, and if we are going to give kids these cards to hold in their hands and play with, don’t we want them to see an accurate depiction of the world?!

We went back to the drawing board and started from scratch. We wanted to make a deck that truly represents our world and celebrates our beautiful range of cultures and appearances! And so, I created the first ever multi-ethnic deck of cards, where, once again, men and women are equal but now with more colors and characteristics.

A few years ago, Segal asked her father while playing a card game on vacation, “Why is the queen card worth less than the king?” which led her to create Queeng, which is a combination of “queen” and “king,” according to KJZZ.

The second edition of her cards features male and female “monarchs” and instead of queens there are “dukes and duchesses.” Instead of jacks or princesses, there are now both “princes and princesses.”

Segal’s IndieGoGo site claimed those who support her efforts to make “Queeng the default playing cards used around the world” will be “helping adapt a game we’ve known and loved for hundreds of years to our generation.”