Transgender activist and reality TV star Jazz Jennings posted an Instagram message admitting to having a binge eating disorder and undergoing a rapid, 100-pound weight gain.

In the post, the I Am Jazz star admitted to having a problem with eating over the last year or so.

“As many of you have noticed, over the past few years, I have gained a substantial amount of weight. I suffer from binge-eating disorder, a disease in which I’m not only addicted to food, but I eat it in large quantities,” Jennings wrote. “My binging, along with an increased appetite I experience from some of the meds I’m on, has caused me to gain almost 100 pounds in a little less than 2 years.”

Jennings posted side-by-side before and after pictures: “I’m posting this photo because it’s time for me to address my weight gain and hold myself accountable. I’m ready to change my ways.”

Jennings has mostly been out of the limelight since 2019, with the latest episode of TLC’s I Am Jazz airing in March of last year.

“I needed that break for my mental health and wellness, honestly. But I have had that time to really use self-care to boost myself up and evolve and grow as a person,” Jennings recently told Variety. “I still have so much more to go, but I just feel like I’m moving in the right direction.”

Jennings went on to note that some of the pressure is off because there are so many other transgender teens in the media these days.

“Definitely in the past I was the only kid or teenager who was transgender and so public,” Jennings said. “But now there’s a lot of different transgender teenagers out there who are sharing their stories. It’s really cool to see that shift, that there’s some new people out there.”

Still, Jennings went on to note that a seventh season of I Am Jazz will soon be released.

“I am ecstatic to announce that there is going to be a season 7 on I Am Jazz. I am so thrilled, I am so excited to share the rest of my adventure, my journey of life with you all. And hopefully I can continue making an educational experience my sharing by story,” Jennings added.

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