Left-wing actress Rosanna Arquette said in a Twitter rant that fossil fuels will be the “end of mankind,” issuing the dire warning to her 193k Twitter followers the day before Independence Day.

“Weep as our world is burning our dependence on Fossil fuels will be the end of mankind,” the Desperately Seeking Susan star said, begging President Biden to take action. “President Biden please stop Line 3 Now before more disasters like this happen because soon humans will not be able to survive,” she pleaded.

Her warning followed news of a blaze breaking out on the water’s surface in the Gulf of Mexico on Friday, which the oil company Pemex attributed to a gas leak from an underwater pipeline.

“Meanwhile the people in power call themselves ‘climate leaders’ as they open up new oilfields, pipelines and coal power plants – granting new oil licenses exploring future oil drilling sites,” teen climate activist Greta Thunberg said, reacting to the flames.

It reportedly took five hours to get the blaze under control.

On his first day as commander-in-chief, Biden canceled the Keystone XL pipeline. That move alone killed tens of thousands of jobs.

“In recent years, climate change has upended the lives of millions of Americans,” Biden declared on his April 22 proclamation of Earth Day 2021, touting his “ambitious climate agenda” which he asserted will “create millions of good-paying union jobs” and “ensure our economic competitiveness.”

Meanwhile, far-left Democrats are rallying for the Senate to eliminate the filibuster so they can pass their radical Green New Deal agenda.

Arquette, however, is no stranger to parroting left-wing talking points and objectives, recently promising to take a knee during the national anthem “for the rest of my life.”

The opportunities and successes the Pulp Fiction star has had in America have resulted in her net worth of an estimated $20 million.