Actress and avowed vegan Alicia Silverstone, forever immortalized as Cher in Clueless, posed nude for a new PETA campaign warning against leather.

Dressed only in cowboy boots, the ad features a totally naked Alica Silverstone standing in a cactus patch while covering her nether regions.

“Don’t be a prick,” the ad says as it admonished people to buy vegan leather products made of cactus, mushroom, and apple.

In a press release for the campaign, Silverstone said that she never gets naked for TV or film but made an exception for PETA to drive her vegan message home.

“If it takes me getting naked for you to care about animals… and that is what I’m after,” she said.

“I never, ever, get naked in TV, in film, nothin’, never, nope – but I’ve done it for PETA because that’s how much it matters to me,” she continued. “There is this idea that leather is somehow better for the earth, but what they don’t realize is the amount of resources – water, food, oil for transport – the amount of energy that goes into making leather is extraordinary. It’s just not sustainable. The Earth can’t handle it.”

“I have found really good materials that are natural. They are using mushroom leather, they’re using pineapple leather, cactus leather, which is why we did this in a cactus field,” she concluded. “I think that’s incredible. My dream is to get these earth-friendly vegan materials into the hands of the greatest designers.”

Alicia Silverstone also posed nude for PETA in 2020 as part of its campaign against eating meat.

“Being vegan truly is the secret to my life’s joy and peace,” she said. “I feel physically and spiritually better than I could have ever imagined knowing that I am doing everything I can to reduce animal suffering with simple lifestyle choices like being vegan, never wearing any products made from animals (like wool and leather), and buying only from companies that NEVER test their products or ingredients on animals.”