The BBC writes about how negotiators will try to secure a climate deal at the Paris talks:

Many negotiators will have breathed a big sigh of relief – the bosses have come and gone.

Everyone said the right things. The prospects of a deal, haven’t been harmed, even if they weren’t hugely advanced.

On Tuesday the more regular routines of COP life kicked in.

The day started with a plenary session of the parties, where every nation’s negotiating team is represented.

This involved formal opening statements, summing up the key points from each country’s perspective.

Complex process

Right now there are three layers of negotiation going on.

At the very bottom, dozens of informal meetings are taking place in all corners of this massive complex

Groups of countries, often just a handful, are working through a paragraph of text at a time.

Channelling Donald Rumsfeld, these meetings have been dubbed “informal informals”.

The next layer up is what are termed facilitated sessions.

Read the rest at the BBC website