While looking out his kitchen window, 90 year old Buddy McNabb and his three pet dogs watched as water rose around his mobile home, Faithwire reported Tuesday.

The Weather Channel reported Monday that children were swept out of their parents’ arms and houses torn from their foundations when flooding occurred in Waverly, Tennessee, on Saturday.

At least 22 individuals died and crews searched through what was left for a third day.

“Officials were also trying to whittle down the list of dozens who remained unaccounted for,” the outlet said.

Meanwhile, McNabb credited his survival to God, according to Faithwire.com.

“It started raining and of course, my Jeep was parked right there and all of a sudden it started moving. And that’s what got my attention first, and I watched it go away and the rain was just unreal and the water just started coming right up. I could actually see it rising,” he said during an interview with the Weather Channel:

But I couldn’t go anywhere, so I just stood there and watched it happen. Lost all that house and two or three, both houses across the street washed away, just went floating right on down the street. All from my kitchen window, me and three dogs stood right there and watched it all happen. Talked to God a little bit, he talked back. I was not afraid, he calmed me down and we just stood there and watched. Water got up about shoulder deep before it ever started to go down.

CBS News shared video footage Monday of the devastation the floodwaters left behind and crews rescuing citizens in the area:

When asked how he explained his survival, McNabb stated, “I’m a believer. God laid his hand on me. There ain’t a question in my mind. If a person does not believe in miracles, come talk to me. Because God laid his hand on me. I was not even afraid.”