Scarlett Johansson has told a British newspaper that she has ‘no regrets’ over her decision to become a spokeswoman for the SodaStream company.

Speaking to the Observer, the actress said she “stands behind” her decision to resign as a global ambassador for Oxfam in January after they criticised her decision to work for SodaStream, which operates in the West Bank.

Speaking of the West Bank factory, she told the Observer:  “I was aware of that particular factory before I signed. And it still doesn’t seem like a problem – at least not until someone comes up with a solution to the closing of that factory and leaving all those people destitute.”

Oxfam wrote to her to say that it believes that businesses that operate in the West Bank “further the ongoing poverty and denial of human rights” to Palestinians.

Johansson, however, says that the issue is not so clear: “I think that’s something that’s very easily debatable … In that case, I was literally plunged into a conversation that’s way grander and larger than this one particular issue. And there’s no right side or wrong side leaning on this issue.”

Also, when the Observer told her that International Court of Justice, Red Cross and UN all think SodaStream are in contravention of international law, she remained unswayed: “Sure, I think that’s the way you can look at it. But I also think for a non-governmental organisation to be supporting something that’s supporting a political cause … something feels not right about that to me.”