UKIP has received another celebrity endorsement as writer Tony Parsons announced to the Guardian that despite not voting in many years, he would be ticking the UKIP box at the upcoming European elections. 

Parsons, 60, is the author of many popular books such as Man and Boy, and My Favourite Wife, told the Guardian today, “I haven’t voted for so long because I feel there’s a disconnect between the political elite and the people. And I’ve felt that politicians are just completely removed from any kind of life experiences in a way they weren’t when I was growing up.”

“I’d be like some bitter working-class bloke who read a lot of books and thought he was smarter than Cameron and Clegg. And probably drive a black cab or something like that,” he said.

The revelation was saved until the very last line of Decca Aitkenhead’s interview with Parsons, where it simply read, “There can’t be many other Hampstead writers with mixed-race families who are fans of Nigel Farage, but Parsons will be voting for Ukip.”

Parsons is said to have previously had left-wing sympathies and was married to the journalist Julie Burchill, who amongst other noteworthy achievements courted controversy by defending fellow journalist Suzanne Moore from attacks from transexuals. She wrote: “To have your cock cut off and then plead special privileges as women – above natural-born women, who don’t know the meaning of suffering, apparently – is a bit like the old definition of chutzpah: the boy who killed his parents and then asked the jury for clemency on the grounds he was an orphan.”

Parsons is now married to a Japanese woman, and they live in Hampstead in North London.