Over the past 12 hours, Britain’s media has somewhat exposed itself for being the anti-UKIP establishment that many UKIP leaders and activists have claimed in the face of derision over recent years.

While every UK news outlet reported that Sanya-Jeet Thandi, a 21-year-old London School of Economics student decided to leave the party, only Breitbart London, then followed by the Guardian, reported the violent attack on Gerard Batten MEP’s house in the early hours of Tuesday morning.

The fact is the media simply would not have reported the Thandi issue if she happened to be a 45-year-old white male living in Rotherham who announced he was leaving the party. No, they reported it simply because she is brown. ‘Who are the racists now?’, you might ask.

But not simply motivated by race and the need to fuel division and hatred toward UKIP, the mainstream media is blatantly hiding the vicious nature of anti-UKIP activists, and often-times fuel the incidents. Farage said yesterday: “The attack on [Gerard Batten’s] home is a direct consequence of the media campaign against UKIP.”

He is dead right. 

Watch the video below to get a glimpse of the UKIP event last Wednesday in London, where dozens of Socialist Worker Party and Unite Against Fascism activists came together to protest UKIP’s rally. The scenes highlight the differences between the two organisations, and shed light on what the mainstream media just won’t show you: the nasty, hate-filled, intolerant side of anti-UKIP activism: 

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