A veteran BBC journalist who once referred to America’s Republican Party as “nutters” has come under fire after tweeting nasty comments about a Conservative Party Member of Parliament last night during the BBC’s debate show Question Time.

Mantej Deol, a senior broadcast journalist and producer at the BBC Business and Economics Unit took to her Twitter last night to say, “Always thought Esther McVey wasn’t very bright. Now watching her on TV realise she is thick. Quite stupid.”

Deol has a clear bias. In 2013 she retweeted left-wing journalist Kevin Maguire’s request to American President Barack Obama which said: “Come on Obama: Move to Britain, take citizenship and become PM when you’ve completed the White House apprenticeship”. She also claimed she “normally wouldn’t call an ambulance for an injured banker”.

Members of the public were quick to note that the incident is yet another indication of an anti-conservative bias within the BBC. Esther McVey is a female politician representing the Wirral West constituency, and has previously been tipped as a candidate for Conservative Party Chairman.

Ms. Deol did not reply to questions about her tweet, although Twitter is not covered by the BBC’s impartiality guidelines. The incident will no doubt have further impact on the perception of the BBC, especially after a further look into Ms. Deol’s timeline.

She appears to fawn over former Labour Party spinner Alastair Campbell, and even retweets a single-issue political party about the National Health Service. Her retweet includes anti-UKIP propaganda.

Users of the Biased BBC website noted that  Ms. Deol quietly removed the tweet shortly after it was posted. She is understood to have served at the BBC for over 30 years.