The Daily Mirror, part of the left-wing Trinity Mirror newspaper group, has smeared UKIP leader Nigel Farage following a picture of him with a “blonde woman” in a Malta hotel. 

The Mirror story is clearly weighted so that readers will assume Farage, who has previously despatched allegations of sexual impropriety, was up to no good in a flash hotel in Malta. But the truth is very different. 

Mr Farage, who is no stranger to a late night drinking session, was pictured at a hotel where conference speakers were paid to stay at. Other speakers included the government’s own left-wing ‘Conservative’ MP and minister Helen Grant, as well as CEO Matthew Cummack, XLN Telecom chairman John Donaldon, and TUI deputy CEO Johan Lundgren.

But regardless of the fact that Mr Farage did not pay for his own hotel, which is by no means the flashiest on the island, and besides the fact that he was helping an ability impaired woman cross a hotel lobby, the Mirror has leapt to attack him. 

Indeed the headline the Mirror uses on its front page today is: “Married Nigel Farage pictured hand-in-hand with blonde going into Malta hotel at 3.42am” is very different to what the truth was, which no doubt made for less  exciting news copy. 

A senior UKIP source told Breitbart London, “Well it is clear that ‘Nigel Farage pictured with leggy blonde’ sounds very different to ‘Man helps less abled woman walk around’ but this is what the media does to us”. 

Others have been quick to point out that the Mirror failed to attack other conference guests for staying at the Hilton, instead singling out the UKIP leader for opprobrium.

The Mirror reports

“Mr Farage, 50, had sloped off to the holiday island to deliver a lucrative speech to a tourism conference at the five-star Hilton hotel.

“And determined to combine business with pleasure, the beer-loving politician partied until the early hours with blonde travel chief Ande Soteri.

“Their night on the tiles set tongues wagging at the conference.”

The Mirror even involved Mrs Farage, and then quoted a spurious source – spurned former UKIP MEP Nikki Sinclaire – to lend credibility to its story. 

But the reality is that while the British public won’t give a hoot if Mr Farage was having a late night pint, the implications surrounding sexual impropriety are wholly reprehensible and move the Mirror out of the territory of fair comment and onto shaky legal ground. 

Breitbart London has asked the Mirror via Twitter and e-mail for clarifications on its story, but has at the time of publication received no response.