An image of UKIP leader Nigel Farage has appeared on a poster advertising a website specialising in extramarital affairs.

The picture shows Mr Farage smiling, with a pint in his hand, and reads: “German wife? British Mistress? Now I Can Have Both!”

The poster is an obvious reference to allegations of extramarital affairs that have dogged the UKIP leader for the past months. In March, former UKIP MEP Nikki Sinclaire used European parliamentary privilege to accuse Mr Farage of employing a former mistress on taxpayer money.

Last week the Mirror also attempted the smear the UKIP leader by showing him walking hand-in-hand with a blonde girl.

Iain Maciver reproduces the website’s press release on his website. It includes a statement from Sigur Vedal, founder and CEO of the Victoria Milan website, who says: “Every one of us has weaknesses and so does Mr. Farage. His colleagues have publicly admitted that women are his biggest weakness, and media reports have confirmed this fact. Four million Victoria Milan members can’t be wrong. Some weaknesses are best kept hidden.”

He continued: “The story of Mr. Farage is a warning to anyone who wants to keep his or her affairs out of the front pages. Any affair can be discreet, but one has follow some basic rules to keep it that way.

“At Victoria Milan we make sure every affair stays secret -whether you’re a famous politician, or a wife upset with her husband for leaving her at home while he’s dancing in a Mediterranean nightclub.”

Victoria Milan is website specialising in helping married men and women conduct extramarital relationships. Mr Vedal launched the website in 2010, and claims his site has over four million members worldwide in more than 30 countries.