A British schoolgirl had four abortions before she turned 16, new figures reveal. The Sun reports that she was among more than 200 under-16s who had multiple terminations over the past three years.

The Department of Health figures showed that, in total, 84 under-16s had abortions having had the treatment once before two years previously in 2011. Another 86 had abortions in 2013, having had one the previous year.

The figures showed that the number of abortions in Britain is continuing to increase, although the rate is slowing. The total number in 2013 was 185,331, which represents a 0.1 percent increase on 2012, and a 2.1 percent increase over the past decade.

For girls under the age of 16, the abortion rate was 2.6 per thousand women, while the under-18 rate was 11.7 per thousand. This represents a slight fall on 2012, and over the past decade.

A total of 2,732 abortions were also carried out because the child would be born handicapped, while 5,469 were carried out by the National Health Service for non-UK citizens.

Norman Wells of the Family Education Trust told the Sun: “Too many are being taught they have a right to sex without consequences and are free to dispose of any unborn child that threatens their lifestyle.”