Whoever said blondes were dumb is about to be totally and utterly vindicated, thanks to a UKIP candidate who seems to have unwittingly defected to the ‘Blonde, curly hair, grey eyes’ political party.

I jest about the blondes of course. One study (ahem April 1st ahem) recently found that they outperformed non-blondes on IQ and spatial awareness. But maybe not at bureaucracy (which is no great shame) as UKIP’s election candidate for the Tophill West Ward in Dorset shows us:

Asked for her name, she filled in: “GOUGH, Tracey“. Because that’s her name.

Asked for a ‘description’, where the name of the political party usually goes, she wrote: “Blonde, curly hair, grey eyes“. 

Well, they did ask for a description!

So that’s either a massive slap in the face of bureaucracy, or a hilarious though harmless faux pas on behalf of Ms. Gough. A senior UKIPer told Breitbart London, “I love it, for the well meaning, decent amateurishness of it.”

I’ll be betting that Ms. Gough tops the poll on August 14th. 

(H/T Dan Brember)