No one really understands what Baroness Sayeeda Warsi – the “Senior Minister of State” at the British Foreign Office, and “Minister for Faith & Communities” – actually does.

It is no secret that this unelected woman was co-opted into the UK Cabinet in David Cameron’s vain and racist attempt to have the first female, Muslim minister in British history. But I’m not sure that’s what history will remember about her, or about him for that matter.

Instead, if anything at all is recollected about Warsi, it should be her ability to be one of the most tribal, divisive, and counter-productive characters in the modern British government. Her record speaks for itself

Little surprise then that Warsi went to ground over the Trojan Horse affair, only to resurface to start towing the Hamas line in the latest Israeli action against terrorism in Gaza. She’s positively obsessed.

She’s sent 24 tweets and retweets about the issue since July 12th. That’s out of 45 in total. That’s 53 percent. Over half her focus being spent on a situation far more complex than she makes out by writing, “#EidWithGaza” or by retweeting the latest United Nations condemnation of an event that never even took place.

Yes, she’s spreading untruths and causing division. As ever. And then she has the temerity to tweet this at one of the only British journalists telling any truth about what’s going on. How dare you, Douglas Murray?

For years, probably since she was born in fact, people have been saying that Baroness Warsi needs to be put out to pasture. 

Her latest obsessiveness, coupled with her evident attempts to poison the well amongst her Conservative Party colleagues, is just the latest in a series of reasons why Warsi costs the Tories support. She is not, by any stretch of the imagination, a conservative. She’s not even a smart lady.

So here I am, adding my name to the list of hundreds who have already said it: she has to go.