Female British jihadis are running brothels full of Yazidi women who have been kidnapped by ISIS militants in Iraq. The women, who are senior members of the al-Khanssaa religious police force, have been tasked with looking after the girls who are being used of sex-slaves by ISIS men.

Sources told the Mirror that the all-female al-Khanssaa brigade, which has been set up to enforce a strict interpretation of Islamic law, are running the brothels in order to satisfy the sexual desires of male jihadis.

“These women are using barbaric interpretations of the Islamic faith to justify their actions. They believe the militants can use these women as they please as they are non-Muslims.

“The Yazidi people are being ethnically cleansed, and their women are being subjected to the most brutal treatment. It is the British women who have risen to the top of the Islamic State’s sharia police and now they are in charge of this operation. It is as bizarre as it is perverse.”

The think tank Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI) has released a report saying that many Yazidi women have been kidnapped by ISIS as sex slaves, while researchers at the International Centre for the Study of Radicalisation (ICSR) at King’s College London say that up to 60 UK women have travelled to Syria for Jihad.

The majority of these women are aged between 18 and 24, with many rising to senior posts in the al-Khanssaa brigade. The brigade mainly operates in the de facto ISIS capital of Raqqa, and its duties include forcing women to conform to strict Islamic dress, searching burka-clad women to make sure they are not enemy fighters in disguise, and monitoring for any “Western” behaviour.

Up to 3,000 women have been captured by the terror group within the past few weeks.