An unidentified woman has released covert footage of daily life in the heartland of the self-proclaimed Islamic State.

Hiding a camera under her niqab, the women took the footage in the Syrian city of Raqqa, the de facto ISIS capital. Her report, first shown on a French TV channel, shows how men with kalashnikov assault rifles wonder the streets while even some women appeared armed with AK-47 assault rifles.

At one point, a man in a car stops her and tells her to “behave better” in public. He says that her face is visible under her niqab, prompting her to apologise and promise it will not happen again. The man responds: “You have to pay attention by covering up. God loves women who are covered.”

The film also shows an internet café in which some of the estimated 150 French women who have fled to the self-proclaimed Islamic State are calling relatives back home. One women, who is shown talking in French, tells her mother over Skype: “I am not going back, mom. I am telling it to you bluntly. You have to get it through your head that I am not returning.

“I did not take the risk by coming here to go back to France. I do not want to return because I am doing well here mom. There is nothing to gain from weeping or being afraid.”

The woman also tells her mother that Western media reports of atrocities are exaggerated.