It might have gone unnoticed by most but the handover of power in Brussels is complete: we officially have a new government ruling the federal state of which we are effectively a part. Yesterday, Jean-Claude Juncker’s Commission has been approved without any fanfare and his office will now commence in earnest.

This should surprise no one, because the government which will decide so much of our lives and how the country is run is entirely unelected and would rather not attract too much attention to itself at this crucial period. Nowhere else except the most repressed tyrannical nations would a change in government be conducted in such a clandestine manner.

But a war of words has now begun from these pseudo-politicians who achieved the feat of confirming everything we at Get Britain Out have been saying: the EU is impervious to reform. Juncker is more adamant than ever there will be no compromise over free movement of labour in Europe. His own words couldn’t be clearer:

“I am not prepared to change. If we are destroying the freedom of movement other freedoms will fall. I am not willing to compromise.” 

Cameron meanwhile, who had boasted about having achieved something no other Prime Minister had achieved before, a cut in the EU budget, is now left humiliated. He now insists on The European Parliament voted to reverse all the budget cuts Cameron managed to negotiate, as well as increasing the budget for 2015 even further.

In total, the EU will demand over £5 billion (€6.4 billion) worth of spending for next year. That is something we warned about over two weeks ago. Cameron’s so-called achievement has come to naught.

This should clearly be the final nail in the coffin for the Conservative party’s hopes of renegotiation, but they will go on holding the promise of a referendum to bait the electorate into securing them their second term in office.

Meanwhile Barroso never begrudges giving a helping hand to the Eurosceptic cause, with his bold proclamation Britain will have no influence or relevance in the world without the EU, yet as Dan Hannan points out in the Daily Mail it is our EU membership which condemns Britain to irrelevance.  

As the budget episode confirms, Britain can barely exert any influence to reduce wasteful spending in Europe. Yet British taxpayers’ shelling out more money to fund the ravenous appetite of the EU is barely the tip of the iceberg of the problems we face.

Recent research by Open Europe confirms EU rules will increase energy bills by 23 percent for small and medium sized enterprises by the time we reach 2020, the deadline for various emission reducing targets to be met. Energy bills will increase by £150 a year per household. As always, the cost of the EU’s fanatical green agenda is borne by smaller businesses and the poorest.

The longer we stay in Europe, the more we will be drawn deeper into more federalism and more superstatism. We should Get Britain Out before we reach the point of no return.

Alan Murad, Get Britain Out