Over four in ten voters want Britain to leave the European Union, a survey showed on Monday.

If a referendum was held immediately, 42 percent of Britons would support leaving the EU, compared to 31 percent who would opt to stay in, according to the poll.

The survey was undertaken by OnePoll, who questioned 2,000 adults for ITV News.

Prime Minister David Cameron, under pressure from the increasing popularity of the eurosceptic UK Independence Party, has vowed to renegotiate Britain’s membership of the EU.

If he is re-elected Cameron has promised to hold a referendum on EU membership, which he supports, in 2017.

The poll found 60 percent of respondents supported a cap on citizens from other EU countries being able to move to Britain.

Almost a quarter supported an outright ban on other EU citizens being able to settle in Britain.

In comparison however, 61 percent said British workers should be free to work and live anywhere in the EU.