The BBC has received criticism after it made a computer game about Syrian refugees trying to flee to European from the war-torn country.

The online game, called Syrian Journey, tasks players with escaping the Middle East by a variety of possible routes. Different scenarios end with the player either in a refugee camp, stranded in Libya, drowning in the Mediterranean or successfully entering Europe after being rescued by the Italian coastguard.

Happy Ending: You reach Europe

The BBC said the game “shows audiences the choices faced by thousands of Syrian families every day. The project has achieved over a million online hits this week.”

However, Middle East analyst Chris Walker told the Sun: “In the midst of probably the bloodiest Syrian crisis this century, the decision of the BBC to transform the human suffering of literally millions into a children’s game beggars belief.”

Twitter users were also unhappy with the game, which first appeared on the BBC’s website last week.

One said: “The BBC news page has an interactive journey on the decisions you make as a Syrian migrant trying to flee the country…sickening.”

Another said of the game, which was posted on 1 April: “Unsure if decision based ‘game’ is April Fool or not.”