Home-sick European jihadists have been sneaking junk food such as Burger King, Oreos and Pringles across the Turkish border into Syria to satisfy their desperate cravings for Western food.

The terrorists have been posting images of the food on Twitter, leading to widespread mockery from other users laughing at their hypocrisy.

The Mail reports that on one jihadist who proudly tweeted an image of a Burger King whopper he had just got his hands on:

Many Islamist hardliners would see such food as being clearly ‘haram’ (forbidden), but that did not stop Jannahtain. Predictably, his boasting soon drew mockery from other users:

It followed a similar tweet showing a bounty of Pringles, Kinder Buenos, M&Ms, Oreos and even canned mojitos:

Last month, another jihadist who goes by the name Ghareeb posted a picture of a McDonalds bag, saying that a friend had smuggled five cheeseburgers into Syria for him. “First time after 2 years,” the delighted terrorist wrote.

Judging by previous posts of Ghareeb’s own culinary efforts, it’s hardly surprising to see him overjoyed at the prospect of a McDonald’s burger. Photos show poorly-cooked fish, an attempt at shelling a couple of crabs and even home-made cappuccinos.

The quality of food in the devastated warzone is widely regarded as poor. Another user posted an image of an attempt at fish and chips, featuring soggy-looking chips and two under-cooked fish: