Liz Kendall – the Blairite Labour leadership candidate – has uttered a Lefty blasphemy: she would support under-performing white working class school kids. Her speech on the weekend focused on education and she hit plenty of heart-warming PC platitudes and empty buzzwords. Boys should be encouraged to work in cafes and girls to be engineers, for example.

“We must be the champion of every child and be passionate about ensuring they get the chances in life they deserve,” she said. Among a long list of other initiative, this “means backing,” she continued, “… innovations in schools like Parks Primary to teach girls and boys – particularly from white working class communities.”

And that was it – just one line in a two and a half thousand-word speech. “Liz Kendall ‘will back white working-class” reported The Guardian with utter incredulity.

“Pitiful. Absolutely pitiful,” read the comments; “Going for the BNP vote?” asks the top reply. “Not even dog whistle politics. Blatant” screech that unstoppable force of ‘anti-racism,’ Dianne Abbott MP.

Abbott would be a pretty rubbish Parliamentarian, though, if she was not aware that a report by the Parliamentary Education Select Committee, just last year, found that only 32 per cent of white kids on free school meals achieve five good GCSEs. This compares with 42 per cent of black Caribbean children, and 61 per cent of disadvantaged Indian kids.

“Fulfilling your potential should never be dependent on where you’re born, what your parents did, your gender, sexuality or the colour of skin,” concluded Kendall’s speech. Which, you might think, is precisely why white working class kids need some extra resources right now.

The only racism and bigotry in the Labour party is not coming from Kendall, but from Abbott and the Gardianistas whose loathing for the white working (under)class; the untermensch, who wallow, forgotten, at the bottom of Britain’s ever growing victim pile is so visceral and blatant.

The Labour party, teachers unions and the Civil Service are populated by thousands of Bahar Mustafas, and their unshakable belief that anyone with a white face is ‘privileged,’ is precisely why the British state has allowed white kids to go from over-performing, to under-performing, in just a few years.

The hypocrisy is just sickening; from a party claiming to champion equality and the underdog, comes a backlash against those mildly supporting an under-performing group, just because of the colour of their skin.