Former Apprentice winner Michelle Dewberry featured on Sky News’ Sunrise programme on Tuesday morning, using her platform to warn that ISIS are trying to sneak terrorists into Europe under the guise of being migrants and refugees from North Africa and the Middle East.

The businesswoman and charity campaigner acknowledged that such warnings carried the threat of “getting a bit of stick” (abuse) or “being called a racist or whatever” but still managed to explain succinctly and eloquently for Sky’s morning viewers how ISIS threatened in February to flood Europe with terrorists disguised as refugees. Her comments echo warnings from UKIP leader Nigel Farage who took to the European Parliament in Strasbourg in April to warn that ISIS had promised Europe half a million terrorists.

She said, in the video:

“My concern is this, and you don’t seem to be able to say without getting a bit of stick or being called a racist or whatever, my concern is this: genuine refugees have got an imminent risk to their life. We need to do everything that we can to treat them with dignity, respect and make sure that those people, those families are safe. I completely support that.

“However, back in February, I was sitting on this chair, and ISIS very clearly said ‘we going to send 500,000 ISIS soldiers to Europe, we’re gonna send the boats, we’re gonna get them over to Italy, you’re not gonna know what’s hit you, we’re gonna have all of our soldiers they’re gonna be disguised as refugees’. At the time we all felt ‘yeah a bit far fetched, whatever’.

“Fast forward to September, we have so many thousands of people, we do not know who they are. And one thing that concerns me is yes there’s a couple of kids, and yes there’s some women, but on the whole these are strapping young men. We don’t know who they are, we need to be very very careful that the people we’re letting into Europe are genuine refugees, and not people that want to cause us harm because trust me, if we all of a sudden find ourselves with hundreds of thousands of ISIS soldiers that we’ve taken in and given shelter and warmth and love and all the rest of it to, we’re gonna have a huge problem on our hands.”

The video has since gone viral on Facebook, attracting over two million views. You can watch the clip above.

UPDATE: Ms. Dewberry has added that speaking on air, she meant to say that ISIS threatened to send 500,000 people with fighters in amongst them, rather than 500,000 ISIS fighters themselves. She has asked that Breitbart London make this clear for our readers.