BASINGSTOKE, United Kingdom – UK Independence Party (UKIP) leader Nigel Farage tonight said that the European free movement of people has led to the free movement of kalashnikovs… terrorists… and jihadists” in a hard hitting speech blasting Saudi Arabian funding of UK mosques, and the conflict in the minds of British Muslims who put their faith before their country.

The venue – the Anvil – was perhaps perfectly chosen given the weight of what Mr. Farage said tonight. The venue, on Churchill Way, stands directly opposite Basingstoke’s “Multicultural Centre” – and that is where Mr. Farage stood tonight: four square against the forces of the left-liberals and jihadist sympathisers that seek to tear apart nation states across Europe.

The event began with a video reel of Nigel Farage speaking in the European Parliament highlighting the dangers of open borders, especially concerning ISIS threats to infiltrate Europe. It was of course especially pertinent given the attacks on Paris this past weekend.

Mr. Farage called the attacks, “so utterly and entirely predictable”. He said: “multiculturalism… has been a failure… it has proved impossible for us to have integrated societies.” He added: “There is a problem with some of the Muslim community in this country”.

He reeled off statistics, some of which you can read here, about the positions of some of the young British Muslims being radicalised in the United Kingdom, and he slammed the “neo con” approach of “bombing” Middle Eastern countries into democracy.

“The main source of this problem is money,” he said, before lashing out at Saudi Arabia for funding extremist and radicalising mosques and their hate preachers across the world. He blasted the Arab country for failing to take any “refugees” from Syria while offering to fund the building of 200 mosques in Germany.

And announcing new UKIP policy on stage, he called for every faith organisation in the United Kingdom to have to declare the sources of their funding. “That is the way we can sort this problem out,” he asserted.

“If we can stop the money… then I hope and believe that there’ll be many many voices in the Muslim community who will… speak to their young people and teach them some common sense”.

And then he turned his guns to Home Secretary Theresa May, who today said that Islam had nothing to do with the attacks on Paris: “Our leaders aren’t brave enough to do anything,” he added.

Mr. Farage said that Britain has to stand for something, for “Judeo Christian culture… democracy…” before turning his guns on the leader of the opposition in the United Kingdom.

“Mr. [Jeremy] Corbyn has said he’s not comfortable with a policy of shooting to kill terrorists on British streets… there’s no chance on him presenting real opposition to this government.”

And he lashed out the pro military intervention establishment, and criticised Western leaders for putting too much space between Russia and the West.

“We may need to rethink who our enemies really are… they [the establishment] have decided that Assad and Putin are evil… I think we’re going to have to rethink that strategy. Assad and Putin may not be our bosom buddies but they are not the biggest threat we face in the world today… [that] comes from ISIS… [Assad and Putin] are on the same side as us and its time the government recognised it”.

“We have a fifth column that we have welcomed into our country… what makes me really angry is that the European Union’s common asylum policy is taking a bad situation and making it even worse,” he said turning his eye to the European Union.

At this point, Chancellor Angela Merkel’s name elicited boos from the audience. Mr. Farage called her motivations, “some kind of war guilt.”

“The warnings were pretty clear… ISIS said they would use the migrant tide to flood the EU with half a million jihadists… I would suggest 5000 is too many… 500 is too many… it only took eight to cause that destruction in Paris the other night.”

“This dream of the free movement of people, this dream for others of the Schengen area. It hasn’t just meant the free movement of people, it has meant the free movement of Kalashnikov rifles. It has meant the free movement of terrorists, and it has meant the free movement of jihadists.

“It is time that democratic groups in Britain and right across Europe stood up and fought and gained and strength, and say an end to this! We want back border controls, we want back national security”.

Mr. Farage wrapped up the event by taking questions from the audience, where he took aim at U.S. President Barack Obama and his trade envoy Michael Froman who recently said that Britain outside the European Union would not get a trade deal from America on a bilateral basis.

Mr. Obama’s words were even criticised by Republican presidential candidate Jeb Bush, as reported exclusively by Breitbart London.