Online feminists and social justice warriors (SJWs) have been fooled by users of an internet forum into starting a campaign to ban the Christmas tradition of kissing under mistletoe. Apparently, the small plant promotes nonconsensual kissing and even rape.

“I have an idea for trolling feminists”, wrote an anonymous user on the internet forum 4Chan on 1 December. “Let’s see if we can get them to ban mistletoe because it ‘promotes rape culture’”.

“Something like #SayNoToMistletoe. What do you think?” he propositioned. “Could actually work” responded one user. “Bumping for serious potential”, added another.

‘Rape culture’ is the idea that Western culture somehow promotes and perpetuates the crime of rape, and that pernicious forces in society like the patriarchy are responsible for the violent crimes.

Mistletoe is a parasitic plant with tiny white berries. Small sprigs are traditionally hung up at random locations during Christmas time, under which lovers are expected to kiss. Because the tradition encourages men to kiss women, it could be said to perpetuate rape according to ‘rape culture’ logic.

Almost immediately after the suggestion was made on 4Chan, a fake twitter page was set up and users of the messaging board began covertly spreading the message, posting satirical but genuine-sounding messages condemning mistletoe.

Some feminists fell for it.

Others remained sceptical.

And a few were enraged:

Just three days after the prank was concocted — in a move unconfirmed to be connected to the hashtag — Cornell University in the US decided that mistletoe was no longer politically correct. Campus authorities issued a document demanding that students and staff avoid the tradition, because it “doesn’t create an inclusive environment”.

The trolling campaign is similar to other successful hoaxes on social justice warriors (SJWs) and feminists, such as the ‘p*ss for equality’ campaign, where feminist were tricked into wetting themselves in ‘solidarity’ with rape victims, and the ‘free bleeding’ prank, when 4Chan users managed to fool most of the mainstream press.