A second-generation Kurdish migrant living in Germany has been publicly executed after refusing to marry her cousin. The westernised young woman was the victim of a “treacherous tradition”, her father said.

The girl’s cousin is currently on the run, and police have obtained a warrant for his arrest.

The 21-year-old was shot dead at a wedding in Hanover in Germany this week. Her father posted a shocking image (above) of her lying in a pool of blood surrounded by distraught guests on Facebook.

Alongside the photo, he demanded justice for his daughter, and explained that family had fled Iraq when his daughter was just three.

She had subsequently grown up as an independent, westernised young woman with German citizenship, and studying property management at college in Hanover.

“It is with the deepest sense of loss and pain that I announce the loss of my daughter. She died in a pool of her own blood, as a victim of a treacherous tradition,” he wrote

So-called ‘honour killings’ are a familiar concept in the Muslim world, and are perpetrated when a women is accused of bringing perceived ‘shame’ on her family.

The father added: “This murderer would not accept that! They decided to take revenge, to continue the tradition. At 10am on 13 March, she was killed with 3 shots to the head by her own cousin”.

He specified that his two brothers had tried to arrange the forced marriage with the young woman’s cousin, Sefin, 22, but she had refused.

The father told of how he had left his daughter in the care the brothers when he went on a business trip to Iraq. When he was gone, however, one of the brothers had attempted to marry her to his son without her father’s permission.

When he returned, he said: “She begged me to do something and so I cancelled the engagement”.

German tabloid Bild reports that local police have confirmed a young woman was shot dead earlier this week and said they are currently investigating the case as a homicide.

They have reportedly recovered the gun, which was used as a murder weapon, but the murder suspect is still on the run.