A shocking new video which exposes the secretive nature of the Trans-Atlantic Trade and Investment Partnership (TTIP) deal between the U.S. and European Union (EU). has emerged on YouTube.

The video shows a Member of the European Parliament being escorted into a guarded reading room, and kicked out when ‘minders’ caught him taking notes.

Luke Flanagan MEP, an Irish independent, took the video last week as he tried to lift the lid on what he jokingly refers to as “democratic oversight”.

The video begins with Mr. Flanagan making his way to the reading room before being told to surrender any electronic devices and enter the room “quickly” with just a pencil and paper.

When it emerges that Mr. Flanagan has been copying the text of the documents in front of him, he is ejected from the room and told to contact the Chairman of the Committee on International Trade, Bernd Lange.

Mr. Lange’s staff tells Mr. Flanagan: “The fact that these confidential documents can be consulted in the premises of the European Parliament has been a great achievement for this institution and has enabled us MEPs to better exert our role of parliamentary scrutiny of these negotiations”.

But Mr. Flanagan assets that there is no scrutiny, as MEPs as elected representatives of the people have no say in the documents or negotiations, but are simply allowed to read the details that have already been agreed upon by European Union and United States negotiators.

“The texts I’m going to view, they have already been decided on,” he says, adding: “It’s important to point out that all I do is get a chance to read them”.

Last month U.S. President Barack Obama travelled to the United Kingdom and Germany, claiming the UK would be ineligible for a deal like TTIP if the country votes to leave the European Union.

Breitbart London has also reported on how TTIP-style deals allow major corporations to sue national government for democratically-mandated policies.

You can watch the full video above and follow Raheem Kassam on Twitter for more TTIP updates