A member of the Swedish police  was almost run over by a moped in the middle of a TV interview in a notorious Stockholm suburb.

Shocking footage from Sweden shows a member of the Swedish police giving an interview with a television channel when a moped charges the officer from behind only to be warned off by plain clothes officers nearby.

The subject of the interview was meant to be talking about the fact that certain suburbs in the Swedish capital are low on police manpower. The officer in the clip, police assistant Hanif Azizi, told SVT Nyheter that there was a shortage of at least 300 officers in the suburb of Rinkeby.

Following the incident with the man on the moped, the interviewer asked Azizi the meaning of the provocation. Azizi was asked if it was a challenge to him directly and said: “You could say that, he would certainly pass here and do something against either us or you. But he was probably surprised when he saw a plainclothes policeman who stepped forward.”

Police are trying to attract new officers to the area by reviewing working conditions and looking at improving wages for officers who may be at higher risk of danger by working in the area. Azizi was asked if this kind of provocation was rare or normal and he simply answered: “Yes, this is our life.”

Rinkenby and it’s neighbouring suburb Husby have made headlines worldwide over the past few months after multiple camera crews and their interviewees have come under attack from migrant youths.

The most notable assault came on an Australian crew who were shooting a documentary piece on no-go areas in Europe. The team, who work for Channel Nine, were subjected to violence almost immediately after they left the safety of their vehicle. One member of the team was rammed by a car, while others were pelted with projectiles and one migrant assaulted one of the Australians with a flying kick.

The crew were in Rinkeby with Jan Sjunnesson of Avpixlat news who constantly criticize mainstream Swedish media for their lack of coverage of migrant area crime.

Earlier this month in nearby Husby a noted Swedish economist was assaulted by young migrants in a cafe while being filmed by a Norwegian crew. The migrants shouted at and assaulted the veteran Norwegian journalist Anders Magnus who described the migrant suburb saying, ” It’s like a war zone. It was a very unpleasant day on the job.”