For the first time Glastonbury, one of the world’s largest music festivals, will have a “secret” segregated stage for women, “queers”, and the transgendered because of “sexual violence”, the “gender pay gap” and the “global struggle to end oppression”.

The Sisterhood is a so-called “revolutionary clubhouse” for “all people who identify as women”. The organisers argue that “women only spaces are necessary in a world that is still run by and designed to benefit mainly men”.

The “hidden” stage will host lectures on diversity, DIY workshops and “dance parties to explore and celebrate everything about being a woman in the world today”.

“Glastonbury’s first woman only venue! It is an intersectional, Queer, Trans and Disability inclusive space open to all who identify as women,” it was announced in a statement.

“Oppression against women continues in various manifestations around the world today, in different cultural contexts.

“In the UK, the gender pay gap in the workplace, cuts to domestic violence services and sex worker rights are current talking points that highlight this issue.

“Sisterhood seeks to provide a secret space for women to connect, network, share their stories, have fun and learn the best way to support each other in our global struggle to end oppression against women and all marginalised people…”

The feminist driven moral panic around the alleged “rape crisis” on campus has spread out through the media and has begun to affect music festivals in recent years, with some American festivals already segregating men and women.

Michigan’s Electric Forest has a women-only “HerForest” stage, and Canada’s Shambhala festival has a gender-segregated area within a so-called “Harm Reduction Zone”.

In fact, there are entire women-only festivals in the U.S. and Australia. Some of these, however, have been accused of “transphobia” for only admitting biological women and not men who have chosen to live as women.

The Seven Sisters Festival in Victoria, Australia came under fire from what they called “a provocative transgender campaign” last year for insisting that attendees are not “physically men”.

Campaigners directed “bullying and violent language” at those associated with the festival, calling them “racist” and “bigoted… rich, white, cis women” because they don’t share their definition of a woman.