MP Sarah Wollaston has earned the ire of Britain’s oldest Tory think tank who have demanded her resignation over her defection from the Leave campaign.

The Bow Group – the oldest Conservative think tank in the United Kingdom – has taken to Twitter to express their outrage at the “defection” of Dr. Sarah Wollaston who some, including Breitbart London Editor in Chief Raheem Kassam, allege may be a plant by the pro-remain side to poison the well of the Leave campaign.

Dr. Wollaston, who defected from the Leave camp to join Remain, was revealed to have written a startling number of tweets in 2014 supporting European Union (EU) membership and claiming that the EU only needed to be reformed.

The Bow Group, shortly after the announced defection, stated that Ms. Wollaston and “all MPs who lied to their constituents at selection and election on their policy positions have no mandate and should be deselected.”

The think tank went so far as to mention the potential recall of the MP who sits on the House of Commons Select Committee on health as chairman. They said that the next leader of the Conservative party must hold members of parliament to account for their actions and the “reason for the right of recall and larger members role in MP selection is to hold MPs like Wollaston to account.”

The recent parliamentary campaign of Ms. Wollaston was noted to hinge on a pro-leave message but signs of her defection could be found on her blog in which she wrote: “I would prefer Britain to remain in the EU but not at any price or on the current terms. If these cannot be renegotiated, I will be campaigning to leave.”

Further adding fuel to the fire of allegations of being a plant, pro-EU MP Matthew Parris commented in the wake of Dr. Wollaston’s defection:

“It does strike me given the ripples that Sarah Wollaston has caused, that if I were running the Remain campaign I might have recruited about 10 MPs to pretend to be Leavers then to start coming over one or two a day for the next two weeks. I think it would have quite an effect.”

Reporting from her Totnes constituency, Breitbart London reporter Oliver Lane discovered just as much support for Dr. Wollaston on the ground as she received from the Bow Group.

Constituent Dianne Formstone said: “I really feel that she’s let the whole constituency down. She has no business being in government, winning an election on false promises and then at the last minute to change her mind. To me that isn’t a loyal politician. It’s all wrong.

“I think that Sarah Wollaston should stand down, and she shouldn’t seek re-election. She should get back to being a doctor and doing what she was doing probably well then. I don’t think she’s any good for parliament, and I don’t think she’s good for this area and she should stand down.”