Jeremy Corbyn will commit Labour to fighting the next election on a platform of continued open door immigration from Europe, as controlling numbers can “fan the flames of fear” and make it “more difficult to take a holiday in Europe” for the middle classes.

The leader of the opposition is reportedly “relaxed” about record levels of immigration, and “it is not an objective to reduce the numbers, to reduce immigration” his spokesman told Sky News.

Mr. Corbyn will tell his party’s conference in Liverpool today that “a Labour government will not offer false promises” and “will not sow division or fan the flames of fear”.

According to Mr. Corbyn, all of the social and economic concerns caused by mass uncontrolled immigration can be solved by spending more of the taxpayer’s money on a “migrant impact fund” and asking other European Union (EU) nations to pay similar wages as the UK.

For him, the “real issues of immigration” are the exploitation and wellbeing of migrant labourers and the “pressure on hard-pressed public services” they create. So, he will give more cash and hand-outs to “communities absorbing new populations”.

Labour Party conference in Liverpool, north west England on September 27, 2016. (PAUL ELLIS/AFP/Getty Images)

It has been just three months since 52 per cent of the electorate, many of them working-class Labour voters voted to “take back control” of their borders in the EU referendum. The issue remains a top concern for the majority voters.

However speaking to the BBC last night, Mr. Corbyn said he was more focused on the concerns of the middle classes. “Tighter rules will also mean it is much more difficult to travel to Europe, much more difficult to take a holiday in Europe, much more difficult to study in Europe,” he said.

Asked about the new fund on Radio 4 this morning, he added: “The last one was £50 million, I think it would need to be more than that now. Clearly, it is not unlimited but if we don’t have a migrant impact fund there’s the danger of an effect on public services and a blame culture. We have to look at the needs of local authorities.”

Mr. Corbyn’s stance is likely to cause outrage within the parliamentary Labour party, many of whom are aware that failing to address public concerns will make it even more unlikely the party will win power again.

However, the leader is convinced that the public will come around to his view. “The central task for the whole Labour Party is to rebuild trust and support to win the next general election and form the next government,” he will say in his speech.

“That is the government I am determined to lead, to win power to change Britain for the better.”