Marine Le Pen praised both U.S. President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin saying she shares their anti-globalist leanings and, as a result, is the best candidate to deal with them on the international stage.

Ms. Le Pen said she had more in common with the two world leaders, and others like the prime minister of India Narendra Modi, than her rival, globalist former investment banker Emmanuel Macron. The anti-mass migration Front National presidential candidate said that her views on globalisation and free trade were shared by a “new world” of political leaders, Reuters reports.

“I think I’m best placed to talk to this new world that’s emerging, to talk to the Russia of Putin, to the United States of Trump, to talk to the Britain of (Prime Minister Theresa) May … to talk to the India of (Prime Minister Narendra) Modi,” she said adding, “because all of those countries are more or less turning their backs on the ideology of free trade, of competition and of undermining social protection.”

Le Pen then slammed German Chancellor Angela Merkel saying: “So I feel much more in line with their political philosophy than with Merkel’s.”

Ms. Le Pen has been a constant critic of Ms. Merkel, particularly regarding the migrant crisis which has seen over a million migrants flood into Germany and elsewhere in Europe. Shortly after the Berlin Christmas market attack that killed 12 people, Le Pen blamed Merkel’s open door migration policies after it was revealed the attacker had been a failed asylum seeker from Tunisia.

“How many more people must die at the hands of Islamic extremists before our governments close our porous borders and stop taking in thousands of illegal immigrants?” she said.

Le Pen also spoke on the subject of the first 100 days of the Trump presidency and said that it was evident the establishment was fighting against his policies.

On the subject of the repeal of Obamacare, she said: “It shows the establishment exists and is trying to fight against the democratic result of the people. You can see that a part of the system is uniting to stop Donald Trump from putting in place the measures which were chosen by the people.”

Le Pen has also held a meeting with President Putin during the campaign where the pair said that France and Russia would cooperate on terrorism and work to repeal economic sanctions on Russia if Le Pen becomes the president of France.

On Sunday, Le Pen faces off against globalist Emmanuel Macron and has been constantly gaining in polls after a lacklustre campaign week for Macron. Wednesday evening will see the only televised debate between the two candidates and many expect the gap in the polls could become even closer if Le Pen has a strong performance.

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