With less than a week to go until release, Raheem Kassam’s No Go Zones: How Sharia Law Is Coming to a Neighborhood Near You, publisher Regnery has revealed the astounding interest the title has generated.

Thousands of copies of the title have now been pre-ordered, according to the publisher. Marji Ross, president and publisher of Regnery, said of the book’s impressive performance: “Thousands of pre-orders prove the point: No Go Zones taps into a serious concern held by many Americans, which once again the mainstream media refuses to address.

“As a country, we can’t afford to let this issue go unnoticed or undiscussed. Regnery is thrilled and honoured to be working with Raheem on exposing the terrifying reality of the threat of radical Islamic extremism and the insidious spread of Sharia Law in America.”

The news of surging sales has come just days after the book featured in a number of best-seller lists on global bookseller Amazon including terrorism, political radicalism, Islamic law, and the Movers & Shakers list. Amazon defines books featured there as a summary of “our biggest gainers in sales rank over the past 24 hours”.

The book has also enjoyed a number of endorsements, including that of celebrity President Donald Trump fan and ex Pussycat Dolls singer Kaya Jones, and European populist leader and anti-mass migration campaigner Geert Wilders.

Speaking at the weekend, pop musician Jones urged listeners to buy a copy of the book, calling it “brilliant”, and said a book coming from a British ex-Muslim was particularly significant.

Also praising the book earlier that week, Wilders — who has spent his career opposing the Islamisation of Europe and now lives with a Fatwa on his head — called Raheem’s work a “wake up call” and “very important”.

Explaining how the book could open the eyes of many to the dangers of failed multiculturalism, Wilders explained the book “should be read by as many people as possible because it shows that if we do not start to de-Islamise our societies and reestablish control over our own countries we are bound to lose them”.

No Go Zones is to be released on the 14th of August.