British voters would rather see a so-called hard Brexit from the European Union than a slower departure, or even not leaving at all, a new poll conducted for British newspaper The Guardian/Observer has found.

While the new poll has found widespread dissatisfaction with the Brexit process among those surveyed, this was not matched with a concomitant desire to cancel the process. In fact, according to the poll, the largest group actually wanted what the prime minister is negotiating to avoid with Brussels — a no deal hard Brexit.

Some 37 per cent preferred the idea of Britain leaving the European Union without a deal and consequently taking back full control while reverting to World Trade Organization (WTO) rules for commerce.

Against that, 25 per cent thought a ‘transition period’ where the UK remained within many EU institutions including the Single Market would be best, while 23 per cent supported to not having a Brexit and the UK staying in the EU.

There was also a definite feeling that Brexit was a settled matter. In addition to the majority that wanted Brexit — either without a deal or with a transition period — 53 per cent said they did not want a second referendum, including 25 per cent of Remain voters.

On other areas, there was a clear split between Remain and Leave voters, the paper reports. Among Remain voters, 74 per cent wanted to stay in the Single Market, while 66 per cent of leavers wanted to end free movement with the EU.

Speaking to The Observer on the figures, executing pollster Adam Drummond of Opinium, said the voting public were generally unimpressed with Theresa May’s handling of Brexit.

He said: “Nearly twice as many disapprove of the prime minister’s handling of the issue as approve, a slight decline on her position last month.

“Despite feeling that the process is difficult and being handled badly, few appear to be changing their underlying views. Indeed, 54% of Leave voters agreed that ‘Brexit is a good idea in theory but is being badly executed’.”

These figures follow a number of other polls tracking the nation’s mood on Brexit. Breitbart London reported in June, on the first anniversary of Brexit, that a poll found were the nation to have a second referendum they would still vote to leave.

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