Several media and political figures across Europe have celebrated the recent testimony of U.S. Lt. General Michael Flynn on websites and social media including the BBC and former Blairite spin doctor Alastair Campbell.

The BBC illustrated “The Trump-Russia saga in 200 words” using a picture of U.S. President Donald Trump and other members of his family depicted as Russian dolls, while another article described the “drama to end all dramas” as a sort of entertainment for the British to enjoy, remarking: “more gripping than any box set we can get our hands on right now”.

Other members of the media celebrated Flynn’s testimony like Labour luvvie and part-time “working class hero”  Owen Jones who retweeted American-Pakistani writer Wajahat Ali who said, “Michael Flynn said Islam is a vicious cancer. Glad to see the real cancer is being surgically removed.”

Source: Twitter

In an op-ed for the Guardian British-American journalist Richard Wolffe wrote, “That scampering sound you can hear is just the rats disembarking from the sinking ship.”

Wolffe called the U.S. President, “the last caged rat who knows he has nowhere left to go as his one-time friends leave him behind. If he weren’t so crassly offensive, he might just be pitiful.” In a previous column, Wolffe referred to President Trump as a “fascist sympathiser.”

Former New Labour spin doctor Alastair Campbell commented on a tweet from President Trump from March which called on Flynn to ask for immunity saying, “yeah right.”

Far-left former MP George Galloway also commented on Flynn’s statement saying, “I met Mike Flynn in Moscow. I can tell you that he was a social butterfly. He was at our table but didn’t sit there for long. He fluttered around every table. He seemed to know every oligarch, Kremlin apparatchik.”

In Germany, Green Party MEP Jan Philipp Albrecht likened the news that Flynn had testified to lying to the FBI to a ‘gotcha’ moment by simply writing “bam.”

Albrecht, along with several other far-left MEPs attempted to bully tech giant Google into taking down all advertisements from Breitbart News in order to cut off advertising revenue. The MEPs claimed in a formal letter that Breitbart was pursuing, “a divisive and hateful agenda.”

Despite their claims, Google rejected their proposal a month later.

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