The UK is facing renewed demands from the European Union (EU) to keep borders open to mass migration until 2021, the end of the so-called Brexit ‘transition period.’

The Brexit deal agreed by Prime Minister Theresa May last week proposes a “cut-off date” of March 2019, exactly two years after Article 50 was triggered.

However, EU documents show  EU negotiators are plotting to demand an extra two years of uncontrolled European migration in the next stage of negotiations focused on trade.

It reads: “In such case, the ‘specified date’ should, in the Commission’s view, be defined not as the date of the United Kingdom’s withdrawal, but as that of the end of the transitional period.”

The demand is made in a Brexit “state of progress” report by the European Commission, sent to the European Council, setting out various negotiating position ahead of a meeting of EU leaders on trade issues next Thursday.

It argues that “in case of any transitional period” all of the bloc’s “fundamental freedoms” must continue to apply, including “rights to free movement as before the United Kingdom’s withdrawal.”

The Commission has already admitted last week’s deal – which including agreements on the ‘divorce bill’ and Irish border – is not legally binding, so could be changed to include new demands.

However, Guy Verhofstadt, the European Parliament’s Brexit coordinator, today demanded the deal is “translated into legal text” as soon as possible.

It can’t yet be known if Mrs. May will bow to the demands to keep borders open for an extra two years, but in her Brexit speech in Florence in September she hinted that she was open to the idea.

The UK has already promised numerous protections for EU migrants already here and a simplified process of applying to stay after Brexit, with the Home Office stating: “We expect the majority of cases to be granted.”

The European Parliament’s Brexit coordinator Guy Verhofstadtm, however, wants to the UK to go further, allowing in all spouses and partners, even if they meet after 2019, and for entire families to be able to apply to stay with a “single form.”