The Italian town of Ferrara has become a migrant battleground as Nigerians armed with axes and machetes fought for three straight days.

Five migrants were wounded as rival Nigerian gangs turned the north-eastern town into a war zone, with locals saying many were armed with firearms as well, Il Giornale reports.

Conflicts between rival migrant gangs have been brewing for several months, with footage posted on Facebook in June showing a violent mass brawl between Nigerians in broad daylight.

The most recent conflict began on Sunday at the Giardino Arianuova Doro district when a migrant was chased by other migrants thought to be of a rival gang. He was eventually caught by his pursuers who beat him badly and hacked his skull with a machete. The young man was taken to a hospital where he was put into an induced coma.

Only hours after the first incident, another young migrant was attacked with a machete, beaten, and left in a pool of his own blood.

At around 10:30 pm at the Bar Caffè Vienna, another attack occurred. This time, one patron who witnessed the incident claiming to have also seen one of the Africans with a pistol.

Then on late Tuesday night/early Wednesday morning, a mass brawl occurred between rival Nigerian gangs at a local park armed with knives and other weapons. A witness who found three migrants bloodied at the scene, two of which had been stabbed, told Carabinieri that one of the injured had been stabbed only centimetres from a major artery and could have easily died in the conflict.

Ferrara is just the latest town in Italy to see Nigerian migrant violence. The former seaside resort town of Castel Volturno north of Naples has been taken over by Nigerian migrant gangs which engage in drug dealing and pimping. The area has become so violent and dangerous some journalists choose to wear body armour when investigating it.

Prominent Italian criminologist Alessandro Meluzzi has claimed Nigerian gangs are “colonising” the country.

“The Nigerian Mafia [is] the most ruthless mafia in the world,” he said, adding: “Its sects are colonising Italy and stealing business from the traditional mafia families.”

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