A 17-year-old Syrian asylum seeker has admitted to stabbing a 24-year-old German woman, claiming that stabbing and potentially killing someone who insulted him is acceptable in his culture.

Syrian asylum seeker Abdullah A. is currently on trial in Hanover for stabbing 24-year-old Vivien K. at the end of March after the young German woman got involved in a fight between the Syrian, her cousin, and brother at a local supermarket, Bild reports.

The four-inch-long blade used by Abdullah A. caused severe injuries to Ms K. including breaking her ribs and injuring several vital organs including her liver, stomach, kidney, and intestine.

After being rushed to hospital after the attack, the victim was put into an induced coma and had her spleen and parts of her pancreas removed. She now has a 16-inch-long scar from her breastbone to her abdomen.

Vivien K. appeared in court earlier this week to confront the asylum seeker who came close to killing her.

At the trial, Abdullah A. claimed to be a “model refugee” and relied on a written statement from his lawyer during the proceedings which argued: “The accused knows from his culture that conflicts with a knife are carried out. He describes the regional customs as follows: If one insults, one may stab. In severe cases, one may kill the person.”

“He states that his behaviour was not objectionable to his religious requirements and does not understand why he must be detained,” the statement added. A verdict in the case is expected on September 11th.

The stabbing is just the latest involving a young German girl and an asylum seeker but in this case — unlike the rape and murder of Maria Ladenburger and the fatal stabbing of 15-year-old Mia from Kandel — the victim survived the attack.

Violence against women by migrants as a result of the open borders policies of German Chancellor Angela Merkel has been the focus of protests by groups like the #120db movement and others.

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